Kali ini kita bakal bahas si pendek yg sadis,Annie Leonhart (Annie : pendek yg sadis................. *asah pisau/?*| Me : nuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! *lari /?*)
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Annie Leonhart (アニ・レオンハートAni Reonhāto?), formerly a member of the 104th Trainees Squad who later enrolled in theMilitary Police Brigade after their graduation, is a Titan Shifter and a member of a mysterious organization keen on destroying theWalls for unknown reasons.
Annie is considered to be an isolated, exclusionary type; friendships don't come to her easily. She is apathetic and somnolent, with little desire to put in any effort into meaningless disciplines or activities, and instead focuses exclusively on making it into the Military Police Brigade to obtain an easy life.[3] Yet, somehow she does seem to hold some strange fascination and even feelings of respect towards people that hold a deep sense of duty and righteousness - in those people who do care and who can devote their lives and even die for causes they believe in.
Annie genuinely smiles as she expresses her interest in teaching Eren her techniques
Despite Annie's usual cold and calm demeanor, she has been shown to emote her feelings in various ways. She was clearly angered when Reiner teased her about her constant avoidance in hand-to-hand combat training.[4] Despite her seeming callousness, she has expressed a level of guilt and shock, most notably when apologizing to a certain corpse after the battle of Trost.[5] Annie is also known to be very dedicated in her mission as a Titan Shifter, to the point that she shed tears when she failed to capture Eren.[6] Though she is seemingly indifferent towards her capability as a competent hand-to-hand combat fighter, she remains proud of her skills and even seems to enjoy the very notion of fighting as deduced by Eren.[7] The only time that she is seen as genuinely smiling in a caring manner is when she expressed a curious interest in teaching Eren how to fight in her unique fighting style.[8]
Originally from the same village as Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover[9], Annie had rigorously trained with her father ever since she was young. At an unknown point, her father pleads her to forgive him, for yet unknown reasons. Thinking it may be too late, he tells Annie to treat everyone as her enemy and asks her to promise him that she will come back home.[10]
Out of the 104th Trainees Squad members, Annie is one of the strongest fighters alongside Mikasa and Eren. She was ranked as one of the top 5 trainees at 4th position, meaning a degree of skill in several military combat forms.
3D Maneuver Gear: As her graduation rank implies, Annie possesses a great amount of skill at controlling the 3D Maneuver Gear. With the use of the gear's blades only, she was shown to effortlessly kill a Titan inside the Military HQ at Trost District in order to help the soldiers to refill their gas and then proceeded to slay another Titan that Connie failed to dispose of. Later, Annie was also able to utilite the gear to kill Gunther Schultz even after being considerably exhausted after using her Titan Shifting abilities.
Martial Arts: Annie is noteworthy for her unique fighting style, with a strong focus on minimizing the advantages of larger, stronger opponents through kicks, throws, and holds. She notes that her father taught her this style, and during their time in training together, she teaches it to Eren Yeager.
Like Eren, Annie displays an ability to transform into a 14 meter Titan, referred to as the Female Titan (女型の巨人Megata no Kyojin?). She uses this form to wipe out military formations the Survey Corps uses during their attempt to retake Wall Maria. It is unknown how Annie acquired her Titan powers and how she became so proficient with using them. She is far more experienced in using her Titan form compared to Eren, who had only discovered his Titan powers recently. She is one of the more skilled Titan Shifters, sporting a variety of presumably learned powers not exhibited by any other Titan Shifters. Unlike most Titan Shifters who tire to the point of collapsing, she is able to preserve stamina and is fit enough to utilize the 3D Maneuver Gear to kill experienced soldiers before transforming for the second time - something never seen done by any known Titan Shifters thus far.
Regeneration: In her Titan form, Annie is capable of healing any injuries and even regenerating any parts of her body that were possibly lost in a battle. However, she takes this ability to a new level, being able to focus this ability on certain parts of her body, healing the chosen injuries at a much faster pace as opposed to the automatic, simultaneous regeneration of all the damaged parts. This has been proved to be useful in battle as shown when Annie chose to regenerate only one eye to see the approaching Special Operations Squad and to defeat them, using the moment of surprise.
Annie employing her hardening ability offensively
Crystallization: Annie has shown the ability to harden parts of her skin at choice, something that is similar to the ability of the Armored Titan, as stated by Erwin. Annie employs this ability in various situations for various effects. The armor is hard enough for the soldiers' blades to be unable to cut through it and thus Annie can effectively defend herself against any attacks, even those coming from Eren in his Titan form. She also uses this ability for destructive attacks, being able to heavily damage Eren's Titan body, by hardening her fists or legs. This way she also avoids hurting herself as opposed to Eren, who easily loses even entire limbs after performing attacks in his Titan form. Upon capture and extraction, Annie used this ability to generate a cocoon of incredibly hard and durable crystal, something that no known technology can yet break into, to trap herself in so as to avoid being interrogated.
Titan Control: Although the extents and limitations of this power are unknown, Annie was able to lead an army of Titans to destroy the Survey Corps formation in order to capture Eren. It was also assumed by Armin that Annie was the one to lead Titans into the human towns once the Colossal and Armored Titans broke through the walls. She has also shown an ability to attract Titans, as upon hearing her shouts, all nearby Titans ignored any other humans and rushed to her location, devouring her Titan form. This allowed Annie to effectively escape the Survey Corps' trap in her human form.
Hi~! kali ini kita bakalan bahas tentang Mikasa,si wajah Oriental~! /?
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Mikasa Ackerman (ミカサ・アッカーマンMikasa Akkāman?) is the adopted sister of Eren Yeager, and the main female protagonist of the series. Though she desires only to live a peaceful life, Mikasa chooses to follow Eren into the military, where she would become the best soldier among the 104th Trainees Squad, and later join the Survey Corps.
A few years before the storyline, Mikasa appeared to be cheerful, outgoing, yet unusually perceptive child. She became aware of the harshness of nature at an early age, witnessing the manner in which predators would hunt and kill weaker prey. However, her innocence allowed her to push these thoughts to the back of her mind, and she continued to live happily with her parents. This illusory peace was shattered when a band of criminals brutally murdered her parents before her very eyes, and when she witnessed Eren Yeager kill two of the robbers in an attempt to rescue her. As the last of the kidnappers was strangling Eren to death for killing his friends, she could no longer ignore the cruelty that defined the world she lived in. As a result, Mikasa lost all inhibition and hesitation, and killed the assailant in a desperate act of self-preservation.
Though she is considerably more withdrawn after the murder of her parents, she still loves and cares deeply for her friends, especially Eren and Armin, seeing them as the last remnants of a family she cannot afford to lose.[4] Her personality as a teenager is very much influenced and molded by Eren, who told her she stood no chance of survival if she did not fight for it [5]. His words continue to stay with her, and her mind automatically recalls them to spur her on when she is close to death. Her determination to protect Eren as much as possible may also have contributed greatly to her phenomenal skills as a soldier. Though she is among the best of the best, she remains humble and refrains from putting on airs or displaying arrogance.
Mikasa's protective attitude towards Eren
Mikasa has a strong sense of right and wrong, but she is also very protective of Eren and does all she can to advise him to follow what she deems to be the right track.[6] Despite that, she knows well that she cannot always sway Eren in his decisions and makes a point to follow Eren to almost everywhere he goes and stick by whatever final decisions he makes, just so that she can be around to help him out when he is in trouble.[7][8] The sole reason she enlisted in the military and joined the Survey Corps after her graduation was to keep an eye on Eren, despite the fact that she truly wished to live out the rest of her days in relative peace within the Walls. She also takes Eren's opinion seriously, so much so that when he once said that her hair was too long, she immediately had it cut, even though Jean had just commented that it looked beautiful.[2]
Yet for all her blind loyalty, Mikasa is quite stoic and level-headed. Her will is remarkably strong, and she is rarely seen to lose her cool or be at a loss of what to do, no matter how bleak a situation seems to be. Even when she believed Eren to be dead, outwardly she managed to remain so calm that only Armin could tell that she was battling with the pain of losing her brother. However, she is not completely immune to the effects of her emotions. Her strong feelings for Eren, particularly when he is in harm's way, does at times cloud her judgement - sometimes at the expense of other peoples' well-being. A notable example is the occasion she briefly gave into her grief over Eren's apparent demise and lost the will to live - forgetting her responsibility for the lives of the soldiers she had taken upon herself to lead in the process.
When it was discovered that Eren was in fact alive and well during the Battle of Trost, Mikasa's cool facade broke, and she openly wept in relief while clinging to his body. Since that experience, her protectiveness of Eren has become more pronounced. Mikasa will now stop at nothing to keep him safe, to the point of being willing to kill anyone who threatens his life and developing vengeful grudges towards those who harm him. She relentlessly attacked the Female Titan in a murderous fury as it attempted to abduct Eren, and later assaulted Reiner and Bertolt with her blades for trying to do the same. When she discovered that the two had managed to make off with Eren and had gotten a five hour headstart while she was knocked unconscious, Mikasa was disconsolate and began to cry at the thought of once again losing Eren. However, even when Mikasa gives in to her sadness, it does not take much to snap her out of it, as she never truly gives up all hope.
Mikasa also has a habit of blushing or expressing embarrassment when others make certain assumptions about her relationship with Eren. Her face flushed when Ian mistook Eren for her sweetheart during the reconquest of Trost District,[9] and also when she told Armin she wished to remain behind with Eren while he and Jean left his room after capturing the Female Titan [10].
Despite the independence and strength Mikasa has gained, Eren still remains a great source of comfort and reassurance to her. She cherishes the scarf he gave her on the day they met, constantly wearing it unless the weather is too warm, and nuzzles her nose to it whenever she is upset. She is thankful to him for coming into her life, saving her from a horrible fate, and teaching her how to keep on living. She is willing to face death if it is for his sake, and is also able to smile and accept it, as long as she is beside him.
Mikasa was born to a Caucasian father and Asian mother.[11] Before her parents' death, she lived peacefully with them in the farmlands of Wall Maria. In the manga, Mikasa underwent a painful scarring ritual from her mother, whom cut into her skin the mark of their Oriental clan,[12] while in the anime and visual novel, was taught an Oriental style embroidery.[13]Being the last of their race made them high value targets to human traffickers, who killed Mikasa's parents and kidnapped her when she was only nine years old.[11]
Mikasa receives the scarf
She was rescued by Eren who tricked and killed two of the slavers. He was then overwhelmed by the third trafficker and on the verge of being strangled. Desperately, Eren urged Mikasa to fight to win. Although she was initially frightened, she came to realize that, "This world is a callous and merciless place," dispatching the kidnapper who was trying to kill Eren. When Eren's father arrived with members of the Military Police Brigade, she was given the scarf by Eren and accepted into his family. This event awakened the fighting instincts and perfect self-control that would later turn her into a formidable soldier.[14] She lived with Eren's family in Wall Maria's Shiganshina District until it was destroyed by the Colossal Titan.[15]
Owing to the need to protect her adoptive brother who often runs off looking for trouble, Mikasa had honed herself to be a talented fighter at a very young age, often throwing boys bigger than her with ease, gaining her reputation. An example of this is when Armin was being bullied and Eren came to his rescue. The boys were preparing to take Eren on when they saw Mikasa behind him and promptly ran away, even though the bullies had superior numbers.[109] She is strong enough to lift Eren off the ground without effort.[110][111]
While she was still training, Keith even denoted that Mikasa's performance is exemplary in every subject, and that she is truly a genius.[29] Combined with her prodigious skill in 3D Maneuver Gear, she can easily take down Titans with speed and efficiency. This has lead to her being mentioned as a military genius many times and "worth a hundred ordinary soldiers".[52] With such prodigious skills coupled with her own remarkable will, she displays lethality against Titans rarely seen among soldiers, recruits or veterans alike. This has been proven true when she took Annie in her Titan form, who had killed numerous experienced veterans with ease before, and survived.[76]
Yak! kali ini kita bakal bahas ukenya si Heichou pendek,Eren Jaeger! #nisadibunuhkarenabilangLevipendek
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Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガーEren Yēgā?, alternatively romanised as Eren Jäger/Eren Jaeger) is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series. He is the only son of Grisha andKalura Yeager, adoptive brother of Mikasa Ackerman, and best friend of Armin Arlert. He hails from the fallen Shiganshina District, a town located to the southern part the outermost Wall, Maria. He is a former member of 104th Trainee Squad and currently serves the Military as a member of the Survey Corps.
He holds a personal vendetta against all Titans, and his dream is to purge them from the Earth and explore the world beyond the Walls. He is also a Titan Shifter, and uses his abilities to aid in Humanity's fight against the rule of the Titans. He is known as "The Coordinate" to the titan shifters that infiltrated the walls.
Eren is best described as hardheaded, passionate and impulsive, which are both attributes of his strong determination to protect mankind and eventually leave the walls. As a young child, he was so intent on joining the Survey Corps that he argued with and shouted at his mother, referring to the people in the village as "silly" and compared them to complacent livestock.[4]
As a child, Eren cared deeply for Armin, his best and only friend before he met Mikasa, and most importantly his family, risking harm and even death in order to help them. This quality was most often demonstrated in the form of Eren taking on the larger boys who would bully Armin without hesitation; and more tragically when he desperately attempted to lift the rubble crushing his mother during the Titan's assault in Shiganshina. In contrast, Eren is also capable of displaying very violent behavior in the defense of people he does not even know. This is highlighted when he brutally slaughtered two of the human traffickers who captured Mikasa in order to rescue her, despite the fact that they were total strangers at the time. Since witnessing his mother's gruesome demise and losing contact with his father, his fierce protectiveness to those he has left has only intensified.
Eren has a number of defining traits that date back to his childhood. He came to share his friend Armin's awe of the lands beyond the Walls after the latter showed him a book depicting the wonders of the outside world; and decided to see it all for himself. This led him to develop a scornful attitude to anyone content to live and die within the Wall's confines without ever setting foot outside. This very contempt may have been the reason he did not easily make friends with his peers. He resented both the Walls that "caged" them in like cattle, and the Titans that had driven humanity to erect them in the first place. As a result of this, he greatly admired the soldiers of the Survey Corps, regarding them as "heroes", and wishing to join their ranks as soon as he became eligible for enrollment. He easily took offense when anyone spoke badly of the Legion, and his determination to join caused friction between himself and his mother, as well as to Mikasa.
Eren had a marked lack of self-restraint that often led him into trouble, causing both his friends and family to worry over him. His limited self-control extended to his temper, and as a result it was short at best and murderous at the very worst. When sufficiently provoked, his anger could drive him into a frenzy, accompanied by horrific levels of violence. Like many children, he tended to view the world in terms of black-and-white; having great compassion for humanity and its plight, but deeming those individuals who deny others their freedom as worthless scum unfit to be left alive. He also had the habit of thinking with his heart rather than his head, even in situations where his own life was in danger.
His characteristic qualities have become more highly pronounced since his mother's death. He now focuses his destructive rage at the Titans, and holds a virulent hatred for them. Fueled by vengeance, he vows to personally wipe every single one of them off the face of the earth and restore mankind to its rightful place. Though he feels great remorse for quarreling with his mother till the very end, he still continues to go against her wishes by seeking entry to the Survey Corps. So strong is his desire to exterminate the Titans, he was plunged into despair when it seemed he could not even master the basics of the 3D Maneuver Gear during training, when his failure was in fact due to faulty equipment. He is not afraid to voice his intentions of leaving the Walls to eliminate the Titans, and is so concentrated in his hatred that he seems not to fear them at all; earning him the nickname "Suicidal Bastard" from the other Trainees.
He possesses great amounts of perseverance, fortitude, and a vigorous determination; managing to graduate fifth in his class despite his lack of natural talent, refusing to give up on his goal to exterminate the Titans even after being dismembered and eaten alive, and fighting the 14-15 m tall Smiling Titan while unarmed and in his human form. He greatly appreciates and/or admires his comrades, and will swiftly fly into a rage if one of them is injured or killed in front of him. He prizes human life, but his personal sense of justice dictates that anyone who steals away the freedom and dreams of others deserves to die. As the identities of the Titan Shifters are revealed, his disbelief quickly gives way to a burning desire to deal each a slow, agonizing death for their crimes. Though his ordeals since the Assault of Trost have taught him to conduct himself a bit more carefully, Eren still tends to behave quite rashly, and speaks his mind even when he knows he should not. This has put him in grave danger on numerous occasions, and he often finds himself having to be rescued.
Whilst assuming his Titan form, Eren seems to become more savage, bloodthirsty, and all-round uncontrollable. Though he is able to consciously control his Titan body after the Battle of Trost, he can very easily become caught up in the pleasure of slaughtering his enemies, indulging in thoughts so brutal he gives the impression of being insane.
When Eren was nine years old, he saved Mikasa Ackerman from being sold into slavery by human traffickers. On a visit to the Ackermans' home, he and his father discovered both parents murdered and their daughter missing. Fearing the worst, Dr. Yeager instructed Eren to stay within the house while he fetched the police. However Eren, wanting to rescue the missing girl as soon as possible, managed to track the kidnappers' trail to a small cabin in the forest behind the house.
Opening the door to the room Mikasa was being held captive, he found her laying on the floor with two of the kidnappers keeping watch. Feigning distress and lying that he was lost, he got them to drop their guard enough to offer to guide him home. As one of them closed in to pat his head, Eren slit his throat with a small knife he had hidden behind his back and quickly ducked back out of the room. As the second man went after him with an ax, Eren charged him with a makeshift spear fashioned from a broom and a larger knife, piercing his opponent in the shoulder. Once he was down, Eren untied the knife and proceeded to stab him to death in a wild frenzy.
As he was untying Mikasa in the aftermath, he was caught off-guard by a third kidnapper, who proceeded to furiously strangle him. Unable to bring herself to commit murder even after picking up the knife, Mikasa was desperately reminded by Eren that they would both be killed if she did not fight back and try to win. As Eren began to lose consciousness, Mikasa realized just how cruel life truly was. This epiphany combined with the trauma she had been put through caused the subconscious limiters on her strength to momentarily shatter. With superhuman power, she broke the knife's handle and lunged forward, splintering the floorboards as she went and killing her victim with a single strike through the heart.
When his father returned, Eren was angrily scolded by him for being so reckless with his life. While Eren was sorry for upsetting his father, he expressed no remorse whatsoever for killing the kidnappers. Afterward, Mikasa said that she was cold, and Eren gave her the scarf from his own neck out of concern for her. Once Dr. Yeager invited Mikasa to live with their family from then on, Eren accepted her with no hesitation, gently tugging on her sleeve and shyly insisting that they go back home.[5]
At first, it is shown that Eren is not very skilled with the gear, he tried and tried countless times but kept tipping and smacking his head on the floor. People mocked him for this. Eren pleaded for help from everyone but the only advice they could give Eren was that he needed to clear his mind and focus. On his last attempt Eren did just that and stayed upright for a short period of time before tipping over and hitting his head. The commander told Thomas Wagner to swap equipment with Eren and for Eren to try again. Eren did so and balanced with ease. Commander then told Eren that his equipment was damaged and that it was a miracle that he managed to stay up right at all. He isn't shown using the gear much, but was able to hold his own with the Colossal Titan for a short period of time until the Titan disappeared. He was eventually able to slowly develop a respectable amount of skill with the use of the gear, even being capable of killing a Titan on his own not too long after joining the Scouting Corps.
kita hari ini bakal membahas si Heichou pendek (Levi : apa?! /?)
uhuk! maksudnya Heichou yg kakkoi,kirei,sugoii #cukup
oke langsung saja~!
Levi Ackerman (リヴァイ・アッカーマンRivai Akkāman?, often incorrectly romanized as Rivaille)is a leading soldier in the Survey Corps, and is said to be humanity's most powerful soldier.[2] He is also the leader of the Special Operations Squad.
Levi is described to be a "clean-freak" by those who know him on a personal basis, as he prefers his environment to be spotlessly clean.[4] He is averse to having either his person or his equipment soiled, and has been known to wipe down his blood-smeared blades while still on the battlefield.[5] However, he will not hesitate to touch filth if he deems it necessary. Instances of this include him rescuing a phlegm-coated Eren from the Female Titan's maw, and grabbing a subordinate's bloody hand as he comforted him during his last moments.[6][7] He is always seen wearing simple white cravat, which gives him an air of being "prim and proper".
Despite this clean-cut image however, Levi has an abrasive and unapproachable personality. His manner of speaking is rarely polite, and he often makes alienating comments that are coarse or inappropriate. His dark brand of humor, always delivered in deadpan, ranges from rude to outright vulgar. He tends to phrase things in a brash and insulting manner, and is not above provoking his opponents or belittling anyone who irritates him. This often unsettles people and makes him difficult to be around.[8]
Levi insults the merchants
While Levi respects order, structure and discipline, he also seems to hold a disdain for authority and the status quo. At Eren's tribunal, he insulted merchants, calling them "pigs" and noting that the Military Police were unable of taking care of Eren.[9] It seems he also holds an open resentment for the Military Police, presumably for their constant interference and attempts to undermine the Survey Corps. At one point, he mocks them by stating that they have neither battled or even seen a single Titan, and suggests that they join the Survey Corps.[10]
However, Levi has a soft side, though he rarely shows it. One of his most defining characteristics is the great value he places on preserving human life. He himself has stated that he hates having unnecessary casualties, and advises his subordinates to properly use their judgement to avoid blunders that may cost them their lives.[11] When it was ultimately discovered that Titans may have once been human beings themselves, Levi appeared to be mortified by the news.[12]
Levi beats up Eren in front of everyone
Because of his hazardous profession and personal values, he has come to care greatly for his subordinates' welfare. When ordered to make an early retreat to the wall during the 56th expedition, Levi was visibly frustrated with the fact that his soldiers had died for the sake of a fruitless mission.[13] He was also willing to resort to violence in order to save Eren from being killed at his tribunal, though he bore no malice towards him.[14][15] Levi was also shown to be greatly disturbed by the loss of his entire special squad, and risked his well-being for the sake of protecting Mikasa from the Female Titan, resulting in him sustaining an injury.[16]He has also stated that he carries the will of his fallen comrades, and that their collective grudge against the Titans gives him the strength to continue to fight.[6]
Levi's behavior when battling Titans
While Levi shows loyalty and consideration for his comrades, he shows no mercy towards the Titans, slaughtering them indiscriminately with an obvious indifference. When dealing with individuals he perceives to be enemies to mankind, Levi's behavior can become sadistic, and even vindictive. A notable example is his bullying of the Female Titan when it was captured. Levi jeered at her, remarking that he enjoyed watching her suffer, and described in chilling detail how he intended to mutilate her human body.[17] Though Levi is aware that his battle skill is in a different league from almost any other human soldier alive, he is not particularly arrogant, as he knows through experience that no soldier can be invulnerable.[7] Few will argue with his claims that only he can handle certain difficult tasks, simply because they know his words are far from empty.[18] He also seems to have an independent mindset, as many of his hunts result in solo kills, with little direct cooperation with other soldiers (due to him usually assigning them to hunt other Titans in the vicinity).[19]
Levi is first seen leaving Trost District with the Survey Corps in the year 850. He leads his squad into assisting Hange as she pursues a Deviant Type Titan. He saves Oluo from being eaten by said Titan, which causes the later to declare that he will follow him all his life.[20] He then finds Ilse Langnar's notebook in the ground, which he identifies as being her report.[21]
Levi is then seen as he leaves Trost along with the Survey Corps to the 56th expedition beyond the walls, the same day the Colossal Titan attacks said District.[2] He is seen rescuing a dying soldier from a Titan's grasp before killing other two Titans. As his subordinate dies, Erwin orders him they better return to Trost, because it's possible that the gate has been broken.[22] After Eren seals the gate of Trost and Armin get him out of his Titan body, they find themselves surrounded by Titans and Levi comes to the rescue.[23] Later on, after Eren wakes up in a cell, Levi insures him that the higher-ups will let him join the Survey Corps and that he will make sure Eren doesn't get out of hand.[24]
During the trial, after Eren gets out of hand with his words, he assaults Eren, much to Mikasa's anger, as he teaches him his place. This was just an act to get the people to think that Levi can keep Eren down and that the Military Police Brigade cannot, assuring them that the Survey Corps will take care of him.[25]
Levi's attempts to calm his squad down
After the trial, Levi hands Eren over to his Special Squad to take care of him for a month, and moves to the old Survey Corps' HQ inside Wall Rose. During their stay at the castle, Levi orders Eren to sleep in the dungeon so he may not cause problems if he transforms by accident.[26] At one point during the month Eren stays with them, Levi comes up with a plan to recover Eren from his Titan body if he goes out of control, causing him to lose his human limbs.[27] This enables Hange to plan her experiments with Eren's transformation, but he fails to do so. After this happens, seeing as his hands aren't healing either, they decide to postpone further experiments, until Eren accidentally generates a partial Titan body trying to pick up a spoon. This causes the Special Squad to threaten him, and Levi has to defuse the situation.[28]
During the 57th Expedition outside the Walls, Levi and his team are placed in the safest place of the formation. As the formation is suddenly attacked by an army of Titans coming from the right flank, it deviates towards a Forest of Giant Trees and Levi's group takes the central route.[29]. Once the Female Titan that pursues them appears, the group starts begging Levi for his orders, but he keeps on looking forward.[30]. Eren decides to transform, but due to Petra asking him to trust his squad, he hesitates.[31]. It's by Levi's intervention, saying that the correct choice is always unknown and whatever he chooses to do, it's better to believe that he won't regret it, that Eren finally decides to trust in his companions and keep going.[32][33]. Due to this, the Female Titan is captured by the Survey Corps.[34]
Levi trying to attack the Female Titan
Shortly after this, Levi gets separated from his squad. He reunites with Erwin and prepares to extract the person who's controlling the Female Titan from the nape of her neck.[35] He and Mike attack her and try to cut her hands only to discover her ability to harden her skin.[36] After Erwin orders the cannons to be loaded with explosives to blow the Titan's wrists, Levi steps on her head and threatens her, telling her how much he wishes to face her about the deaths of countless of his soldiers. This causes the Female Titan to start roaring.[37] After a while, Titans from all directions come seeking to devour the Female Titan, and as Erwin orders, Levi and the rest of the Survey Corps elite members try to defend her, but end up failing. Erwin orders everyone to retreat and go back to Karanese.[38][39] Since the order has been issued, Erwin notes that the steam from the corpses will difficult the rest of the Survey Corps to see the signal flares. This causes him to realize the person inside the Female Titan may have escaped and orders Levi to refill his gas and blades.[40]
After the Female Titan comes back and kills Levi's squad, he and Mikasa join forces to get Eren back. Levi tells her to distract the Titan, but avoid trying to kill her, since she's able to harden her skin.[41] Levi then proceeds to attack the Female Titan, and after a series of successful attacks, he incapacitates her. Seeing as the Titan is now helpless, Mikasa disobeys Levi's orders and attempts to assassinate her, which leads Levi to sprain his ankle saving her from the Titan's hardened fist.[42] Using the momentum gained from the last attack, he cuts through the Female Titan's facial muscles, causing her to open her mouth and reveal Eren inside. He proceeds to rescue him and they flee.[43]
Levi's reaction to the words of Petra's father
During the retreat to Karanese District, the remaining of Survey Corps is attacked by several Titans after one of the soldiers went out to retrieve back the body of his fallen comrade. As the Titans closes in on one of the carts, Levi, unable to fight due to his injury, orders the other soldiers to discard the dead bodies of their deceased members in order to lighten the weight of their cart and outrun the chasing Titans. After doing so, the cart was able to get some distance with the Titans.[44]
In Karanese, while the Survey Corps is shunned by the public for their mission failure, Levi is approached by Petra's father who reveals him that she constantly wrote to her father. He tells Levi that as a father, he's worried about Petra's decision to dedicate her life to him, since she's still too young and has her whole life ahead of her. Levi keeps on walking silently without responding.[45] A few days later, Eren is summoned to the capitalfor a trial to decide his fate. Levi, along with Erwin, Eren and others have a reunion in the old Survey Corps HQ prior to this, since Armin has a theory about the Female Titan's true identity.[46] He himself, doesn't participate in the operation, though, and is only seen near Erwin during this time.[47]
Levi is excellent at using the 3D Maneuver Gear, to a point that everyone says he is the best at it. He is also said to be as valuable as an entire brigade, far outweighing all of the other soldiers.[2] He is said to have been extremely strong even before joining the Survey Corps.
He has shown the capability of incapacitating Annie Leonhart in her Titan form (A 14 meter Titan Shifter), something which whole squads and even Eren in his Titan form couldn't accomplish.[54]